In the highly scenic island of Inishnee, located just off the coast of the world renowned village of Roundstone, we are delighted to bring to the market circa 6.7 acres with spectacular views and old ruins.This site also comes with harbouring rights to the nearby pier. Harbouring rights included. Subject to the necessary planning permits, the development of this site may be possible, helped no doubt by the presence of old ruins on site. This site can be sold subject to planning permission.
These particulars are intended to give a fair description of the property only and are in no way guaranteed, nor do they form part of any contract. They are issued on the express condition that all negotiations are conducted through Matt O Sullivan Ltd. All properties are offered subject to contract and to being unsold.
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These particulars are intended to give a fair description of the property only and are in no way guaranteed, nor do they form part of any contract. They are issued on the express condition that all negotiations are conducted through Matt O’Sullivan Ltd. All properties are offered subject to contract and to being unsold.